Our Leadership Team
We exist to bring the beauty of the gospel to the broken places in our lives.
Brian Fletcher - Elder
Brian Fletcher has been part of Mosaic since he moved to ABQ with his family in 2017. Originally from New Jersey, Brian and his wife Emily met in college, married in 1998, and lived in PA and NY before he took an engineering job with Sandia Labs that relocated their family to NM. He previously helped plant Grace Church in Rochester, NY and served as a deacon there for many years before moving to NM. Their four children, Isaac, Drystan, Sevil, and Carissa are in high school and college and regularly remind him of God's grace. Brian has served as an elder at Mosaic since 2024. He enjoys a good IPA, crossword puzzles, reading novels, serving with his kids' scout troops, and building a kit car in his garage. Brian has lived with depression for much of his adult life and is grateful that God reveals himself as a God who is near in every circumstance.

Shawn Tuttle - Elder
Shawn Tuttle was born and raised in Albuquerque, NM. He grew up in the North Valley and had a passion for sports. In high school he was on the football, baseball, and wrestling teams. His love for baseball continued as a NMSU Aggie where he played for two years. Shawn and his wife Geri met in high school and have been married for nearly 40 years. Shawn is the owner of an Albuquerque business, Precision Sharpening, which he has owned for 40 years. Their son Stewart is currently in California and owns a business as a musical engineer. Their adult daughter Leticia lives in New Mexico and, following with the family theme, owns a business as a cosmetologist. God brought their adopted daughter Dayana into their lives 7 years ago. Shawn came to know Christ in 1983 while in college, became active in the BSU and eventually led a dorm room bible study. The Tuttle family were members of a Baptist church for 30 years where Shawn also served as a deacon. In 2021 God brought Shawn, Geri, and Dayana to Mosaic and Shawn became an elder at Mosaic in 2024 but still continues to serve on the mobile setup crew and communion team, and hosts Food and Friends dinners. He enjoys people, sports, outdoor activities, getting away in the RV, and a good burger.
Daeleen Roberts- Family Ministries Director
Originally from northwestern Washington State, Daeleen met and married her husband, Matt, while they were both working in Northern California. In 2021, they traded wine country for green chile and settled in Albuquerque’s Northeast Heights. A year later, they were delighted to welcome a daughter, Laurel, into their family. Daeleen and Matt found their church home at Mosaic the first weekend they were in town, and have been blessed to experience God’s presence through his people ever since.
While Daeleen can now appreciate the smell of red chile in the morning, her PNW roots run deep. Nothing compares to sipping a latte in a local coffee shop on a rainy day! She can also be found hunting for deals in thrift shops and meandering the Bosque trail.
With a background in Christian education and theology, Daeleen is passionate about partnering with families as they raise children in faith. It is her hope that Mosaic Church would be a place where children know their identity in Christ and as part of God’s family.
Caleb Sandoval- Lead Musician
Born and raised in Albuquerque, Caleb has been involved with music from the earliest of ages. Growing up in a house where music and ministry were ever present, Caleb began leading music in churches during high school and has seen God develop this gift and passion in his life by leading him to Mosaic in 2019!
Caleb is always up for exploring new genres of music, and he especially enjoys learning new musical instruments. Playing board games and old-school arcade video games are also great ways to become friends with Caleb!
Our Networks
Southwest Church Planting Network
The Southwest Church Planting Network is a cooperative work of PCA churches in Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. It is our vision to plant more than 75 new churches and major college campus ministries in the Southwest by the year 2020.
Presbyterian Church in America
The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) is a growing, diverse denomination that is “faithful to the Scriptures, true to the Reformed faith and obedient to the Great Commission.”